Saturday, September 1, 2012

What I've Been Missing...

I think this may be a relatively short post for me... short post? Yes I know, shocking!

I have realized something...
I know there has been a lot of sadness in my heart when thinking back about my time at college.
Yes, I miss the people.
Yes, I miss the amazing times, the good and the bad.
I miss the business, and the learning...

The learning is what I miss most. I miss learning from people. From growing from other people's views on life, and their faith. On hearing what the Lord is doing in their lives.

Don't get me wrong, I still hear about people growing and learning and things. But I used to hear about it daily, from multiple people a day. It was amazing, to constantly be surrounded by the Spirit. Even when I felt like I was falling apart, other people were so full of the Spirit, they would remind me in an instant how loved I am by Abba, and would speak Truth into my life. I was full more than I was empty.

Now, I've had to learn to move forward, on my own a lot. I'm secluded a lot, and sometimes, rather than be filled by the Spirit I try to block out the reality around me to forget that I am alone.

It's been a difficult time, and I know Abba will get me through it. As will my brothers and sisters who constantly remind me I'm not ALWAYS alone and that I am STILL loved.

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